Categories:2013,EVENTS,What's New

Experimental film and Video art in Japan: focuses on 70's

[related event]
At the talk session below, a brief introduction (trailer/making video) of "Kikai de mirukoto -the Pioneers of Japanese Videoarts-"will be shown and director of this documentary video, Kentaro TAKI will join to panel discussion.

talk session: Experimental film and Video art in Japan: focuses on 70's
data: Jan 8 (Tue.) 2013   18:00-21:00
venue: Theatrical and Cinema Workshop room 2F build. No.36 Toyama Campus, at Waseda Univ.
presented by Studies in Media, Images and Body
Free Entrance / English Translation

Panel discussion:
chair man: Erkki Huhtamo(UCLA, curator)
panelist: Michael Goldberg, Hakudo Kobayashi, Kohei Ando, Kentaro Taki, Rie Saito

details on this website (Japanese only)


VIDEO TRACKING vct chronicle 02-09:

VCT Media Design:

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V-LOUNGE | V-LOUNGE | Canadian Videoart Channel vol.1-3 vol.1-3:

Elodie Pong - Peripheral Area



Maurice Lemaitre