For info-holic you, a specific remedy of videoart!!
VCTokyo videoart compilation DVD "Vidiot in Contemplation"

"life IMAGED" Kazumi Kanemaki
"Living in the Box" Kentaro
Taki+Naoya Ooe
"AI" Sung Nam HAN
"SHOT" Shuhei Nishiyama
Video Practices"Naoya Ooe
"The Lost in the Backyard of Surface" Naoya
"Abarekoinobori"GOLDENSHIT[Katsuyuki HATTORI+Yusuke SHINMURA]
"Bild:Muell"Kentaro Taki
Issued 1st July 2007, price:3990yen(
total 68min, DVD-video, NTSC, Stereo,
Enlgish+Korean subtitle
“life IMAGED” Kazumi KANEMAKI videoart 2006 13min

The juxtaposition of the images between a Western movie by Hollywood and the artist's routine life in the split screen, makes us compare the drama and the daily life. This also shows her daily life where surrounding images internalizes her. This work involves gender issues, since there is an attitude that as a woman it's hard to accept herself as the "Loser" in the Western movie.
"Living in the Box" Kentaro Taki+Naoya Ooe
videoart 2007 7min

Body parts are displayed in the white box as specimen. Each part tries to seek something and these behaviors seem to remind ourselves of today’s blockaded situation. This is the collaboration work with Naoya Ooe(operation) + Maiko Date(dancer) directed by Kentaro Taki. This is the short version of the original work.
"AI" Sung Nam HAN videoart 2006 9min

This is the second part from trilogy on "AI=sexual intercourse." In front of fusuma painting "Kaede-zu"by Tohaku Hasegawa(16c. painter), a couple make indirect intercourse by gazing each other. Their cross-gazing intercourses with the movements of fusuma painting. "At this moment, the couple are as if without heaven, without ground, without society, without people at all."
"SHOT" Nishiyama Shuhei videoart 2007 11min

Each “moment” of destructive force of the reality has been shot, recorded, and visualized. Set the boundary of before and after deconstruction at the “moment” when image and sound of collision match together, and the artist visualizes idea of "non-revertible." This work deconstructs the image of deconstruction by differentiation, repetition, expansion and addition of image/sound of different moments.
"Pathologic Video Practices " Naoya Ooe videoart 2006 2min

The simulation of how audiences reacted to films in early times, evokes the sense of falsehood but new perspectives. The extendation relates to the reference to media that to release from captivity of information system.
"The Lost in the Backyard of Surface" Naoya Ooe videoart 2006 7min

The simulation of how audiences reacted to films in early times, is a fiction but creates the new perspectives. From the point of video, this discloses the principles of imprisonment by the media information, and will be extended to the criticism against media.
"Abrare Koinobori" GOLDENSHIT [Katsuyuki HATTORI+Yusuke SHINMURA]
video performance 2005 15min

This video consists of 6 acts of rhythmical and optical composition of a live quartet. The spectator encounters the boundary between the light and the image. A documentation of the premiere performance at Art Space Kimura, Tokyo in 2005.
"Bild:Muell=Image:Junk" Kentaro Taki video installtion 2006 5min

A documentation of a video installation exhibited in Yokohama Portside Gallery in 2006. "Bild:Muell" means "Image: Junk" in German. The video collage projected on various shaped cubes simulates the cityscape overflowed with images/information.