SHOP: 2012年2月Archives

2 Avant-Garde films on DVD release!

2 Avant-Garde film is released from REF compiled by VIDEOART CENTER Tokyo. Maurice Lemaitre is a main artist of Letterism, which influenced graphic, design , poetry reading, performance, paintings and experimentqal flm.


Linkage between Surrealism and Godard was here! This is the Avant-Garde film from Parsi, 1951.

"Le film est déjà commencé?" by Maurice Lemaitre
1951, France, 65min, English/Japanese subtitle (DVD/NTSC)

Master of Master, Maurice Lemaitre, his message of his spirits beyonds the Centuries!

"Kami e no michi/ La voie des dieux" by Maurice Lemaitre
2002, France, 55min, (DVD/NTSC)

Maurice Lemaitre
artist. born 1926, Paris. After activities in resistance during WWII, studied at faculty of philosophy in Sorbonne univ. He met Isidor Isou in 1950, participated to Lettrism. He created and worked on the fields of poem, roman, theater piece, painting, photo, film, dance piece, and also economics, philosophy. His original methods in film influenced various film expressions and the followers as nouvel verg or American underground films. 

issued in Jan 2012. price 2940yen(tax incl.)
"how to buy" is here. or also on AMAZON.

  ©Maurice Lemaitre